
Manufacturing Capability


The company has a 3D printing wax mold system, automatic shell coating technology, 3D scanning technology, X-ray detection and fluorescence detection lines, which can quickly provide users with single or small batch high-quality precision castings, help customers quickly shape products, enhance their research and development capabilities for new products, and quickly adapt to the market.

Casting Machining
Fluorescent lamp

Fluorescent lamp

Spectral analyzer

Spectral analyzer

Magnetic particle flaw detector

Magnetic particle flaw detector

X-ray operation console

X-ray operation console

X-Ray Testing Machine

X-Ray Testing Machine

Ultrasonic flaw detector

Ultrasonic flaw detector

洛隆县| 南昌市| 江永县| 通河县| 扶绥县| 白城市| 崇义县| 大邑县| 广南县| 云龙县| 米易县| 万州区| 旬阳县| 白玉县| 江孜县| 营山县| 宾阳县| 开化县| 娄烦县| 碌曲县| 宁远县| 新沂市| 泾川县| 广宁县| 怀来县| 佛坪县| 金溪县| 泽库县| 潞城市| 陆良县| 盱眙县| 荆州市| 华池县| 西和县| 闻喜县| 保定市| 当阳市| 泰和县| 将乐县| 梨树县| 花莲县|